First Minister holds meeting with the Scottish Youth and Children's Parliament Scottish Government 5:07 1 month ago 241 Далее Скачать
Children's Rights in the Early Years: What Training Do We Need? childrens parliament 1:44 3 years ago 198 Далее Скачать
Children's Parliament: If everyone lived like Scotland... (PART 1) childrens parliament 7:12 14 years ago 1 042 Далее Скачать
Children's Parliament: Every Picture Tells a Story. (PART 1) childrens parliament 9:44 14 years ago 557 Далее Скачать
Children's Rights in the Early Years: What's the importance? childrens parliament 0:42 3 years ago 318 Далее Скачать
Bobafes 24 Hon.ibrahim Zannan Sunoma Deputy speaker Nigerian children's parliament CHILD RIGHT FOUNDATION 0:48 1 day ago 48 Далее Скачать
Children's Parliament and Scotland's Climate Assembly (Project Film #1) childrens parliament 5:14 4 years ago 1 888 Далее Скачать
Children’s Parliament and Scotland's Climate Assembly (Project Film #2) childrens parliament 4:37 4 years ago 501 Далее Скачать
Children's Rights and AI: Children's Calls to Action childrens parliament 4:51 4 months ago 136 Далее Скачать
Children's Parliament: EcoCity 2004 -STV extract childrens parliament 1:45 14 years ago 130 Далее Скачать
Children's Rights in the Early Years: Professor Kay Tisdall childrens parliament 23:30 3 years ago 315 Далее Скачать
Children's Parliament meet the Scottish Cabinet: Presentation film (2017) childrens parliament 5:41 7 years ago 1 570 Далее Скачать
1. Healthy, Happy and Safe: Children's Rights childrens parliament 0:46 7 years ago 20 267 Далее Скачать
Children's Rights and the Early Years: Adults' Barriers to Children's Capacity childrens parliament 3:50 3 years ago 106 Далее Скачать
Exploring Children's Rights and AI - Stage 1 childrens parliament 10:09 1 year ago 1 227 Далее Скачать
The time is now (Children's Parliament and the UNCRC) childrens parliament 3:04 5 years ago 3 060 Далее Скачать